01904 414357 office@yorkadvocacy.org.uk

About the Hub

Our commitment to quality

The York Advocacy Hub service and York Mind are very much committed to ensuring the highest standards of service.

To ensure we continue to develop and improve our quality we undertake a number measures:

The York Advocacy service is a service run by York Mind. The York Advocacy Hub has the quality mark for advocacy services. It highlights an organisation has robust policies and procedures in place, has a good programme of staff support and works by the advocacy principles.


All services should adhere to the Advocacy Charter. The Advocacy Charter is a set of principles around best practice advocacy that all advocates work to. This means that the advocacy delivered should all be to a high standard, and include principles such as confidentiality and empowering clients to self-advocate where possible. All our staff have to undergo a national City and Guilds accredited qualification called the Independent Advocacy Qualification. So advocates have been trained to deliver advocacy in a person-centred way, following relevant legislation.

 Advocacy services also work to a Code of Practice, which covers how they should work as advocates.  This means you can be reassured that York Advocacy Service is working to the highest standards of advocacy when you’re working with our advocates.

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